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The Bridgetender’s hut on the New Hanover 12 Drawbridge is a landmark structure for travelers crossing over to Wrightsville Beach and sailing along the Intercoastal Waterway. The NCDOT charged Wetherill Engineer, Inc. and CD Architecture, PLLC with a complex renovation project that involved keeping the existing 1954 structure and its drawbridge control panel operational while constructing a two-story addition which more than doubled the size of the structure.

WEI and CDA worked together to develop a simple yet contemporary design that wraps around all sides of the original concrete bunker. Design challenges that our team met
included working within a very tight footprint, keeping new and existing structural loads to a minimum, incorporating sustainable design elements such as ventilating windows and solar shading, and building for resiliency in a coastal environment
with high hurricane winds.


Photo Credit: Chris Council Photography

Bridgetender Portrait

NCDOT New Hanover Bridge #12 Control Room Addition
Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

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Nestled along the Blue Ridge Parkway, Milepost 294, is the Moses H. Cone Memorial Park. The manor house and its landscape is an example of a country estate at the turn of the century. The unique history of this particular location remembers that this grand home was not only a place of leisure, but also a working farm that housed a school, orchards, and other infrastructure to support itself and the broader community.  Moses Cone was a prosperous textile entrepreneur, conservationist and philanthropist of the Gilded Age. In 1901, Cone built Flat Top Manor, the gleaming white 20-room mansion in the grand Colonial Revival style.

Leading the effort to preserve and rehabilitate this cultural landmark, project scope included:

  • Architectural and Structural Envelope Analysis and Conditions        Assessment Report

  • Establishing Period of Significance original materials through analysis

  • and reverting to this standard at areas disturbed through rehabilitation

  • Value analysis research and workshops with SHPO, Denver Service Center, National Park Service, Blueridge Parkway Staff, and Friends of the Blue Ridge. This involved evaluating and recommending alternative materials where requested. In this instance, composite roofing materials in lieu of the existing cedar shake shingles. A thorough analysis of performance standards, maintenance, fire resistance, life cycle cost, and physical characteristics to match the existing historical structure.

  • Extensive moisture mitigation strategies and detailing

  • Cataloging Period of Significance windows, wood detailing (standing and running trim), clapboard, dormers, portico, column capital and shafts, chimneys, and other exterior elements.

  • New lightning protection systems

  • Structural analysis of existing lintels and columns

  • Historic Preservation Treatment Plans. This is a step-by-step report and construction documentation utilizing technical preservation bulletins and Department of Interior standards as guidelines.

Architect of Record: Liollio Architecture
Project Architect: Joshua Putnam at Liollio Architecture
Photography: Jaxon Fox

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Moses H. Cone Memorial Park - Blowing Rock, NC
Historical Preservation



The City of Raleigh Transit Operations Facility is a 23-acre, five building com-plex housing the administrative and maintenance operations of the City’s bus and transit system. The project earned a LEED Platinum designation from the US Green Building Council and employs innovative sustainable technologies to reduce environmental impacts. CDA vetted the project with design-build contractor Brasfield & Gorrie and consulted during all phases. Firm tasks ranged from team qualification, sub-consultant selection, bidding, code research, DD & CD review, quality control, and construction administration.

During the construction phase, the firm observed work for compliance with construction documents and owner standards, participated in weekly progress meetings, reviewed subcontractor submittals, and coordinated with fellow designers on the prompt resolution of RFI’s.

Transit Ops was the first Design-Build project for the City of Raleigh, a process that allowed the City to obtain federal ARRA funds available for shovel-ready products. The LEED Platinum certification vastly outperforms the City of Raleigh’s minimum requirement of silver and symbolizes the level of commitment and creativity from the project team.


LEED Platinum certification
APWA National Project of the Year 2012
COR Appearance Commission Sir Walter Raleigh Award
City of Raleigh Institutional Innovation Environmental Award
Carolinas ABC Excellence in Construction Award & Merit Award

Architect of Record: Cline Design
General Contractor: Brasfield & Gorrie
Photography: Jerry Blow


City of Raleigh New Transit Operations Facility - Raleigh, North Carolina

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The Salt River Bay National Historical and Ecological Preserve stands as a treasured landmark for the people of the U.S. Virgin Islands, offering a rich tapestry of natural beauty and cultural heritage. This unique area, where sea meets land, is home to some of the largest mangrove forests remaining in the Virgin Islands, alongside vibrant coral reefs and a deep submarine canyon.


A historic structure within the site, previously donated to the National Park Service and used for various functions, sustained severe damage during hurricanes Maria and Irma. In response, emergency hurricane relief funds were dedicated to restoring this important facility. The Visitor Contact Station, welcoming nearly 15,000 visitors each year, plays a key role in providing educational, interpretive, and community outreach experiences for both Christiansted and the broader St. Croix region.


In collaboration with Coastal Zone Management, local officials, Park staff, the Denver Service Center, and the National Park Service, a resilient architectural design was conceived to honor the memory of the original buildings and commemorate the significant events that took place there.


The project includes wayfinding enhancements, interpretive exhibits, and educational spaces. The central courtyard, designed as a gathering place for educational and interpretive events, frames sweeping views of the surrounding natural landscape, offering an immersive experience of this remarkable environment.


Architect of Record: Liollio Architecture

Project Architect: Joshua Putnam at Liollio Architecture


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SALT RIVER VISITOR CONTACT STATION—Salt River Bay National Historical and Ecological Preserve

2021, Cultural + Civic + Educational + Resiliency—United States Virgin Islands

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Craig Building Improvements - Raleigh, NC


Mt. Locust Historic House - Natchez, Mississippi
Historic Preservation | Fire Suppression | Security



Mount Locust Historic House is an important waypoint along the Natchez Trace.  Josh Putnam worked with the National Park Service to improve the  security, fire detection, and fire suppression for this landmark site. Working with SHPO, Cultural Resource Officers, Park Staff, and NPS Preservation Architects, the design team was tasked with providing sensitive intervention to minimize impact on the building and cultural landscape.


The fire suppression equipment was designed and located in a remote maintenance building beyond the wood line, and fire water line was carefully routed to the building via archaeologically cleared throughways, thus minimizing the impact on the hallowed site and graveyard of the enslaved. Architecturally, locations of fire risers, equipment, sprinkler heads, and the like, were thoughtfully considered and concealed in a way to not to encroach the visitor’s experience. New low voltage systems and fire detection systems were installed in a similar manner.


Architect of Record: Liollio Architecture

Project Architect: Joshua Putnam at Liollio Architecture


Walnut Creek Ampitheatre - VIP Toilet Rooms - Raleigh, NC

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Conceptual Design - Fort Fisher State Recreation Area
Kure Beach, North Carolina

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